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read before purchase!
-no dead buyers/MIAs/scammers.
-don't backout after you have confirmed orders.
-items sold are not exchangable/refundable, i'll ask you to check upon meetups.
-i'm not responsible for flaws in products after purchase.
-only if you're very interested, you can request for clearer pictures (unless if its clear already)
-first come first serve basis.
-if you want me to reserve an item for you, you have to pay half of the price first.
this is to discourage dead buyers.
-do inform me if you're no longer interested in swapping/buying.
-i'm not responsible for any lost cash through mail.
(i don't believe any lost mail stuff)
for meetups,
-please bring exact amount during cash on delivery.
-meetups foc at bishan only.
-don't be late! have the courtesy to inform me beforehand if you're gonna be late.
for swaps,
-items pending for swaps can still be purchased (when applicable), just tag/email me to get that priority
-if we're meeting up to swap, i want to check the item(s) so don't rush off somewhere else.
attention sellers and swappers,
be truthful with your products, because i will not hesitate to refuse to buy/swap with you if there are faults which i'm not informed of or if the product is different from the one at your site.
1. (blog deleted)
number: 93360964
stood me up.
agreed to swap with me so i went to her convenience at cck and waited but she never showed up. i had a test the next day too.
(i live in bishan, not a short distance.)
she said she forgot and her hp got confiscated, so couldn't reply when i sms and called her. couldn't you email about it beforehand?
if she told me in advance and i wouldn't be so pissed to blacklist. But I guess she couldn’t since she forgot.waste my time and money on transport.
whether she's anywhere else, i'm not sure.
name: april
number: 97114263
i replied "an item that was in thshopping-stop is also in your site now so i figured there might be some affiliation. even if its not your site, you can calmy inform me about it instead of being so uptight, it makes you seem guilty.
i encountered the problem when the url is thshopping-stop, and you blacklist me stating " So long de things alr she still rmb till now", doesn't it show that you're the same person. it is your way that you delete blacklistees after some time, but i simply leave them there. fyi, i didn't make up the story. someone mailed me about it, you think i'm so free to make it up? you say i'm kiasu, but i don't achieve anything from blacklisting, other than being able to vent out my anger. you, should be the one growing up. if they're counted as "SMALL LIL THINGS" to you, then so be it. ultimately, it is the customers/swappers' decision whether to deal with them. i only type out my experience."
i replied on my tagboard since she doesn't have one.
didn't get a reply from her after that. don't get her at all, seriously :/ now she removed her blacklist on me. i have moved on, its not like i went on her tagboard/mailed her to disturb. pfft.
someone else even commented on her too:
Elaine: i agree ); she say her bag used few times but in the end it was a somehow rusted and the outer layer was spoilt D;
someone got scammed by her, she told me april's using the first website.
traded rusty, stained items and left before she had the chance to check,
and went mia. she's still going around :/
she also said april's using different names like aj and jasmine, but i've always thought they were 2 different people that had initially started their blogshop together. but yeah, can't be sure.
insulted and offended me.
firstly, i told her if the jacket wasn't satisfactory, i'd refused to swap.
she said "yeah"
when we met, i checked the jacket, it is very faded, old looking and the collar looks really stretched. so i refused to swap.
she had stated in the blog previously that it was "good condition", but now she said its "got abit faded".
but i'm not really angry about that,
here's the idiotic part
after some time, she smsed me that i "fucking wasted her time", that i didn't say sorry and she called me a noob blogshop and said i was a disgrace.
like wtf?
i already told her that if i didn't like it i'd refuse to swap and she agreed.
its not like i want to waste her time, i was busy too
FYI, i did say sorry but she didn't hear me.(i really felt apologetic, i mean, who'd like to meetup for nothing? now i'm not though, since she insulted me)
and i'd be frank, i was kinda slow in replying her since i had second thoughts bout the jacket, but i couldn't just cancel the deal and stuff so i still met her, and if the jacket is in good condition and fits me, i'd just trade since she travelled to my convenience. but she's like contradicting herself.
she said lots of mean stuff, and i delivered it back twofold. (i wanted to be so vulgar and fierce that she'd regret ever sending that sms to me, but i didn't want to be immature like her.)
when i told her of the terms she agreed on, she'd shut up.
she also gave me a phone number and told me to sms that number instead since i'm so unhappy.
(what's wrong with her)
if she had given me the real details of the jacket, she'd saved that wasted trip she caused upon herself. i'd admit she was quite nice before the meetup, but sucks like poop now.
she was
so ah lian.
she tagged and wanted me to remove this blacklist of her. threatened to blacklist me if i didn't too!
talks like only she can get angry. -.- i told her if she apologises first i'd remove the blacklist and apologise back too (after all, i did scold her back), but she says she doesn't want to, so let her do what she want (: i'm curious to what she'll talk about in her blacklist.
btw, now her jacket is rated "Condition:7/10".
from good condition all the way to 7/10. you judge for yourself. personally, i don't think it deserves that rating.
our conversation:
april: Eh.You very boliao isit? So free to blacklist ppl? I never blacklist you very good alr okay. You better remove or i'll blacklist you also.
Me: then blacklist, what're you gonna write? you'll be angry if someone scolds you right? i was feeling apologetic and then your sms came with you scolding me and sruff, of course i feel angry.
april: Lol? I dint even heard you said sorry. you angry i not angry ? So what? you want remove or dont ?
Me: when i said sorry you turned away, i thought you were ignoring me and leaving so i left too. obviusly you're angry, i never said you weren't. but i already told you i could refuse to swap and you stil agreed. are you saying only you can be angry? if i call you a disgrace you won't be angry uh? you called me that among other mean stuff and you expect me not to feel angry? just because you didn't hear me apologise doesnt mean i didn't say it. i will only remove it if you sincerely apologise. when you do i will also apologise because i did scold you back, but only if you apologise first because you started sending the mean and offensive smses.
april: Nah.I will not apologise. Nvm. Can you remove the number? That's not my number!
Me: why should i listen to you. you used it to send all those remarks and i'm supposed to believe its not your number now? i'm not removing anything if you don't apologise. you can blacklist for all i care, others can just compare our stories and judge for themselves who they want to trust.
april: Alright girl. ^^
so guys, judge for yourself who you'd want to believe & trust.
3. (deleted) (deleted)
name: diana chew (could be a fake name, who knows.)
number: 83430407
address: kept giving fake addresses.
a month later, -.- no reply so i sent an email to her saying "can you please get back to me? if you're not keen on taking back the dress, I wouldn't mind just getting rid of it for good. it saves me the trouble too" till now, which is the 29th, still no reply. seriously!
18/7/2010 - 25/7/2010:
when she was supposed to return us the items, she sent her own stuff to us on her own, asking if she could give us those items instead of our items and money back. we said no and insisted on our stuff back only. after our items were returned, we wanted to return her stuff. she gave us an address and we mailed it out, only to recieve it back claiming the address was non existent. we emailed her about it and i said "either meet us to our convenience or I'm going to get rid of the items." no reply.
after around 7 months, she replied and asked us to return her items, but i've already thrown them away, excluding a black dress. i said i'll return the dress, but she asked us to find her items or compensate her, claiming its only fair that she got her items back when i did too. but the thing is, she sent them to us on her own, we did not ask her to do it or scammed her into doing it. she said she only replied now because i had changed my site, but we were contacting through email, and she emailed us using the last email we sent her. its no excuse, because our emails has not changed since that time, we were fully contactable. unless she forgot her email account for 7 months, but that's not our fault either.
i've still not gotten her reply yet.
scammed like, 5/6 people and ran away raena and the others who got scammed by her made a police report and managed to track her down. (thanks!)
she's returned our items but before that she even claimed that she lost some and couldn't return! not sure about the others, but me and my sis got back our stuff even after she "lost" it. she even said she spent my money and couldn't return or something, (hello? what did you want me to do? i'd still want my money back) she's very infuriating! and a liar.
p.s, i paid her $23 but she only returned $22. i won't make a big deal out of a dollar, but all the things she did just shows her (in my opinion, rotten) character.
email: (happy shopping day without you)
her friend's number: 94598756
kept making up deals on her own
ok. here's the thing. she wanted to swap my vs london jeans tote and tagged. i replied that i could trade with her outfitter's girl top with a top up of $5.
her top was $20, mine is $25 for swaps. obviously, she's the one to top up if she hasn't failed her math.
she misunderstood me and thought that i was the one topping up. how can i be the one topping up? even if she was gonna trade at my selling price there'll be no top ups from me. thus, on the day her friend met up with me, we traded and there were no top ups (i assumed the top up was in the plastic bag since she sent someone to meet up for her) but no, no top up.
and the top didn't even look like the picture.
so i called her about it. she says she doesn't accept increase in swap price. hellooo? the swap price is only for that item and its not like i unreasonably increased the price. she claims its in her t&c but her terms are not even on her site. i can't find them. so i asked if we could return our stuff. i'd travel to her convenience too. she said okay. then i asked if she wanted serangoon instead of bartley,
no reply. thus the next day i spam called her because i needed to know the time and stuff. she didn't pick up. on my phone it said "rejected". i smsed her friend to ask her to reply me and only then did i get a reply "bartley at 3". she claims she couldn't find her phone while i was calling. then how did it get rejected?
then, at the last minute, she said "btw, i'm topping up $5". our deal now was to return our stuff! and now she says that. she says she sew the initials of her cousin's name on it, that's why she can't return it.
smartass, vandalised my item so that you can't return it? she said her friend was supposed to sms me to tell me that she wants to top up instead, but i got no such sms
so i asked her to buy the tote instead and i'll return her top but she says she's broke so she can't.
so in the end, i got $5, and i gave her back her top. i told her "
since you're so broke".
she tried picking out flaws in my tote too. she says it looks big in the pic but its actually small. if she's asked for measurements and pics i would've gave her. she did't ask for them. at her site, she says no extra pictures or measurements, so i assumed the top is exactly as the picture. but no, its not. she told me it fits uk8 at first, then later its a uk6. i'll tell you that the top is kinda tight on a uk6.
not only broke but irresponsible and without a bit of conscience.
name: elaine
contact: 92208668
stood my sister up
she purposely studied at the nearby library of the meetup place just to meet her, but she didn't show up.
my sis texted her asking where she is, and she just replied that she was sick, so cannot meet. then my sis was like "huh? then why didn't you tell me sooner?" and she replied "i forgot."
was her memory damaged by her sickness or something?
she could stay sick forever for all i care, how can someone make a deal and just forget?
i bought the f21 studded ring necklace from her, but its so not like the pic.
i trusted that the picture she provides for the items she sell are reliable, so i didn't ask much. i only asked for how big the ring is. we met, and yeah i thought she was reliable, so i didn't check much, only saw through the plastic that it was the necklace. but when i took it out later on, the colour of the gold studs were like fading. in the picture, it was shiny. so i called her, and asked if can refund ('cause i bought both the black and white one, the black one is okay though, its the white one i'm not unhappy with) then i'll pay $15 for the black one instead (i nego-ed till $13 each) but she's like no refund, blahblahblah, and that its my fault because i didn't ask for the real picture and check it on the spot. i don't think i'm being unreasonable with the refund, since i offer to pay the full price of one necklace
so the pictures she provide are not reliable huh? if we'd need to see the real pic why don't she use the real pic instead. what's more she didn't even state that its abit faded or differs or whatever, if she said that of course i'd ask to see the real pic first to know the condition.
'cause when i called her to say one of the necklace looks abit faded, she was like "the white one right?". see, even she knows its a bit faded, yet didn't state. i asked her was it brand new she said yeah. brand new and its fading away. she says its true to pic, so the studs were actually so shiny then fade till like that? brand new my foot, if that's the case.
so i texted her "fuck you, the items you sell are not reliable" and she scolds back. "pictures are pictures and its different from real life" was something like what she replied back to me, among others. so even asking for real pics isn't gonna help eh. she was also something like "what's with the fuck you?" i don't understand her. maybe she we argued alot, now as i'm typing this i'm argueing with her. sigh, she ruined my day.
she says its my fault for trusting her, so she doesn't need trust while she's selling stuff? you can't sell stuff if the buyer doesn't trust you, the buyer could go mia at the last second and leave you waiting like an idiot. even if i didn't check and the necklace was true to pic, there wouldn't even be this problem now. she says she "can't help but do nothing. but didn't want to be seen blacklisted in such a way" nothing? she can get her friend to refund me one necklace, but she's too poor/greedy/whatever reason that she doesn't want to. now she doesn't care she's blacklisted and wants to continue her dishonest business.
*thank you, passerby, who stood up for me :)
8. (deleted already)
mia supplier, then she mia-ed too, made me lose $12.
this was quite some time back, a year ago or something. i just didn't bothered to blacklist in the past. i wanted to buy suspenders from her, so i paid and she said she'll get it from her supplier. but i guess her supplier went mia on her. we actually kinda chatted, she was from guangyang sec, and yeah, i thought she was nice. but when her supplier mia and stuff, she didn't even contact me about it. i waited and waited, and still no news from her. lost $12.
number: 90221202
i didn't deal with her, a friend did. my friend wanted to buy a pouch via transferring $12 first then meet up. but my friend kept changing meetup date so she didn't want to sell it to her already. but my friend had asked someone to help her transfer, and didn't tell him not to transfer first so he already did.
so the money was transferred to her already but it didn't seem like she wanted to return it back or sell her the pouch. when i heard this, i misunderstood and thought that the money was transferred before she said she didn't want to sell, so i asked for her number and called her. i like ask her about it and stuff, but she was just like repeating that she didn't ask my friend to transfer in the first place, fiercely. so? she still like want to keep the money.
she was scolding and shouting at me, so i scolded and shouted back too. she's very, very rude. and hung up on me, said i was a waste of phone bill. is that why she wanted the $12? to help her pay her phone bills? she's that poor huh. disgrace to raffles design institute :/
i know that my friend was in the wrong, but she's not totally right. she knows the money was transferred by mistake, yet she didn't even want to return it. how was this resolved?
another friend had to offer to pay $20 instead. is this the kind of people you'd want to buy stuff from? she's trash.
dishonest in selling her stuff
number: 96225944
i bought the pair of f21 sandals from her. she told me it was size 37 and that its insole would be 23.1cm to 24.1cm. what a liar. when i recieved it, i reckon it fits a size 40! i emailed her about it, asking for a refund, if it doesn't fit me i obviously won't buy it. she dragged on for weeks and ugh, blames forever21. i bought it from her, i didn't join a f21 spree so how can she push the blame to f21. after waiting weeks(!) she deleted her blog. not pressing on the matter, so i'm just putting the sandals up for sale. she'll just be a waste of time. i saw others tagging, asking her if she's sent out their orders from the f21 spree. don't know if she's sent them out. she mailed me the sandals and the sandals were gorgeous, but just not the size she claim it is. what a bitch.
1. elaine claire tan, 96910511,
the first M.I.A time wasting idiot.
at first she's like "really really interested" but mia in the end. i kinda suspected she would so i checked up on her and saw that many other blogshops had blacklistted her as well. so yeah, kinda anticipated this.
but she was so annoying, she'd send me 3 texts when i've not even replied one. i even ate my dinner late that time 'cos i was busy replying her stupid comments and questions.
after months, she replied "no sorry. i cannot meet up with you. just remove and don't reply" after i ask her whether she's still interested. i replied "like i'd listen to you". -.-
what you had missed
1. heart motif tee
2. lace halter
3. polka dotted blouse
4. star necklace
5. moon necklace
6. ariel abercrombie&fitch camisole
7. black sleeveless hoodie
8. couple mascot pooh and piglet
9. couple mascot pooh and piglet
10. disney cafe sweet mascot
11. NANA punk ring
12. guitar,drums and vocals tee
13. gold bow headband
14. pink and white striped cardigan
15. hitsugaya toushiro plushie.
16. bleach playing cards.
17. naruto 1000piece jigsaw puzzle
18. vampire knight vol 6
19. vampire knight vol 7
20. vampire knight vol 8
21. roxy hoodie
22. white shades
23. black pouch
24. black pouch
25. nara shikamaru figurine
26. VS london jeans tote
27. delias* juliet plaid top
28. ohsofickle maria sandals
29. skull sleeveless hoodie top
30. forever21 navy shorts
31. mary jane shoes
32. forever21 white burnout tee
33. nubra
34. bunny hoodie
35. bohemian style sash
36. long black bf top
37. disney tinkerbelle ladybug keychain
38. lowkayhwa novel: a photogenic life
39. lowkayhwa novel: i believe you
40. lowkayhwa novel: you are here
41. boron scrump plushie
42. aeropostale tank top
43. blue onto headphones
44. BonitoChico's Abstract-Print Summer Frock
45. pink bangle (free gift)
46. v.jeni green chiffon dress
47. forever21 studded ring
48. brown wrislet
49. LOVE bunny mini toy
50. hangman sleeveless top
51. cross sparkling necklace
52. cotton candy rawr badge
53. guitar rock bookmark
54. black offshoulder with slits
55. navy canvas shoes
56. takara tomy cafe chocolat mascot pooh
57. takara tomy cafe chocolat mascot dumbo
58. The True Naomi Story novel
59. purple smocked tube
60. whale earrings
61. Shonen Jump: volume 6, issue 5
62. pink polka dotted bow hair tie
63. flats from spree
64. black 3/4 tights
65. graffiti badge
66. I LOVE NY bear hoodie pullover
67. m)phosis slippers
68. black newfuture shorts
69. Forever21 Visionary Studded Sandals
70. Vintage's To Kill A Mockingbird novel
71. donald duck tee
72. Intoxiquette's the barbiedoll tubedress in earth tones
73. Agneselle's patricia satin top
74. mondo red bow flats
75. placebo volumes 1 - 2(complete)
76. trash volume 1(complete)
77. shrine of the morning mist volume 4(free gift)
78. army green skirt
79. highwaist shorts
80. star with blue crystal necklace
81. westlife cd (turnaround)
i've separated the items i've swapped/sold from my sis's.
many thanks to the buyers/swappers(:
(well, to the ones that're nice.)
my wants
credits to all of their rightful owners.
preferably partial trades/trades!
i'd love to fund you but i gotta sell off stuff from my blogshop first.
also, not really desperately wanting them.
only willing to purchase brand new items, with no flaws/furrings/whatever.
even if its swaps i'd consider because of its condition.
checkered fannel shirts, with the pattern like above.

this exact dress
beaded bracelets, exact to pic
paperbag highwaist skirt
forever21 studded sandals
biker jacket like this (no leopard print inside)
partial trades/if i really like it i'll buy.
animal print shirts, tanks
cream wedges
tiered skirts.
f21 metal frame wallets.
other designs? mail me (:
tote bags.
h81 bythesea dress
willing to pay $18, i saw blogshops selling it at $18 but sold out already.

cotton on blue and white stripped beach shorts
other beach shorts? mail me!
swaps only please :)

f21 tire mark tank
willing to pay if i find the price okay
colourblock dresses.
partial trades
hershey's hoodie.
converse shoes,
partial swaps would be appreciated, full swaps more than welcomed
aeropostale hoodies
partial swaps would be appreciated.
preferably zip ups, not pullovers.
other branded hoodies? mail me(:
branded ones only, state the brand in mail.
rabbit earings
heart shaped shades.
(plushies are not a priority now)
trades/partial trades please (:
if not, do give me your best price.
marshmallow chip and dale strap
noconoco series
scrump, stitch angel set.
boron series is loved too, but not as much as noconoco.
the 18cm ones, if available.
stitch,angel, ms bunny, marie.